Mary Denison (1906 – 1997): Life writing, class and identity.
‘But your nursey years were running to a close, your private school years, your childhood years. All running to a close, coming …

Mary Denison (1906 – 1997): Reading and Writing.
‘You were carried into new worlds, your own mind and imagination were beginning to work’ (30). In the purpose and audience blog …

Mary Denison (1906-1997): Home and Family (2/2)
‘Did the baby come last night? – with the unbelievable statement that the baby had indeed come but had died’ (53). Mary …

Mary Denison (1906 – 1997): War and Memory.
‘What did you know about the Great War, as it was called – the background to four of your childhood years?’ (63) …

Mary Denison (1906-1997): An Introduction.
‘Church was like home – familiar, accepted, and unconsciously loved.’ (40) Born on the 8th September 1906 in Far Headingley, Leeds, Mary …

Mary Denison (1906-1997): Home and Family (1/2).
‘It was a strange, unexpected house – one moved from one century to another as one walked through it.’ (3) Mary Denison’s …

Mary Denison (1906 -1997): Habit, Culture and Belief.
‘Sunday coats, Sunday hats, best shoes; felt hats in winter, straw ones with ribbons or flower trimmings in summer.’ (33) In last …

Mary Denison (1906-1997): Education and Schooling.
‘No desks, no benches, no blackboard, and of, course, no standards. Hardly possible with only two pupils in the class’ (26). Mary …

Mary Denison (1906-1997): Researching Writing Lives.
As this module comes to an end I have began to reflect on this entire process. At first, I was overwhelmed both …