Dora R. Hannan (1909-2001): Biographical Entry – Writing Lives

Dora R. Hannan (1909-2001): Biographical Entry

Born in Portsmouth in the first decade of the 20th century. Father a stoker in the Royal Navy. One of 7 children (5 boys, 2 girls), two of whom died in infancy or childhood. Educated at elementary school; secondary school (fee-paying), to age 14; Sunday School. Married. Spent her childhood in Portsmouth. Living in New Milton, Hampshire, in 1984.

Junior assistant in a large store (aged 14).

No details of interests or activities.

A tribute to her mother’s courage and stamina in raising a large family almost single-handed, juggling pennies to feed and clothe her five surviving children. Family life and childhood are dominant themes of the narrative, concentrating on such topics as the home; street games; penny purchases; schooling; diet; domestic chores and routines; medical treatment; holidays; neighbourhood politics; the outbreak of World War I and propaganda; street traders; sex education.

357 HANNAN, Dora R., ‘Those Happy Highways: An Autobiography’, TS, pp.36 (c.20,000 words). Brunel University Library.



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