Susan Silvester (1878-1968): Biographical Entry – Writing Lives

Susan Silvester (1878-1968): Biographical Entry

1:628 SILVESTER, Susan, In a World that has Gone (Privately printed, Loughborough, 1968), pp.31. Illustrated. Brunel University Library.

Born 13 Nov 1878 at Minworth, Warwicks. Died 28 April 1968. Father an agricultural labourer, waggoner and later a waterworker. Mother occasionally took in clothes for mangling and assisted in seasonal agricultural labour. 2nd daughter of 4. Educated at Cudworth Board School (1883-8); day school at Walmley (1888-90). Married the village blacksmith, 1902, with 2 sons. Lived in or near Minworth for most of her life.

Domestic servant (1890); shop-girl (c.1891-1902?); obtained a small income by making and selling pork pies, socks and sundry items, following death of husband (1928).

No details of interests or activities.

Written when the author was aged 90, Silvester provides a well-written, straightforward account of a poor but not deprived upbringing. Interesting comments are made on various aspects of turn-of-the-century village life, including domestic arrangements; rural recreations (from walking to May Day and St. Clement’s Day celebrations); superstitions; church and chapel activity; and the work of the blacksmith.

Susan Silvester, In a World that has Gone (Privately printed, Loughborough, 1968), pp.31. Illustrated. Brunel University Library.

‘Susan Silvester’ in John Burnett, David Vincent and David Mayall (eds.) The Autobiography of the Working Class: An Annotated, Critical Bibliography 1790-1945, 3 vols (Brighton: Harvester, 1984, 1987, 1989): 1:628.

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